...WAS HERE, Huo Rf & E S Kibele Yarman
This book is a sequel to Huo Rf’s exhibition ...was here that took place in 2018 and the accompanying publication that he and Kibele Yarman put together.
50 copies (25 in Turkish, 25 in English) of this publication were printed in April 2021. All photos belong to E S Kibele Yarman and Huo Rf.
CREATE YOUR OWN HOMOTOPIA, edition of 200, size: 13,5x10 cm, pages: 28, year: 2019. Stickers and credit pages within plastic bags. Turkish / English / Italian. This project is formed to accompany the works exhibited at Stories in Reverse, 2019. Exhibited at Flat Art Book Fair 2019, Turin, Italy.

SELF PORTRAIT AS A JOURNEY size: 8.5 x 18,2 x 3 cm, pages: 100, year: 2019 Unique, mixed technique on various papers. Hand made Artist Book. Drawings, painting, ink, collages and texts. Turkish / English. Photo by: Melis Kayacik. Exhibited at Flat Art Book Fair 2019, Turin, Italy. Private collection.
Abstract Lies, exhibition book, 2019. Printed 500 copies with the support of Bilsart ‘Abstract Lies, chapter 1’, Huo Rf and Abdi Cadani exhibition in Bilsart between September 3rd - 14 th, 2019. Exhibited at Flat Art Book Fair 2019, Turin, Italy. Design: Anıl Kılıç.
… was here, exhibition book, 2018
Huo Rf's book which accompanies his independent exhibition that takes place in Elhamra, Beyoglu curated by Merve Elveren in October, 2018. The book contains Merve Elveren's curatorial text, also artist Pinar Ögrenci and art writer Merve Akar Akgün's texts. It has designed by Kibele Yarman, published as 500 prints. Exhibited at Flat Art Book Fair 2019, Turin, Italy and Paris Ass Book Fair, 2019, Paris, France.
Stories in Reverse, exhibition book, 2017. Stories In Reverse book is available at www.printedmatter.org
“Stories in Reverse” was Huo Rf’s second solo exhibition held in November 2017 at Pi Artworks Gallery (Istanbul) and curated by Nicole O’Rourke. The exhibition book, which includes collages titled Homotopia Series, also brings together the sources of the artist’s entire production process. It contains a wide range of content that includes a curatorial text of Nicole O’Rourke, shorts stories on works written by Melve Elveren, Hera Büyüktasçiyan’s poem, an interview with Gülsün Karamustafa and the recent and private works of Sign of Time artist initiative, especially made for the book. The book has designed by Kevin Pfaff and Yada Tomomi, published as 300 prints. Exhibited at Paris Ass Book Fair, 2019, Paris, France and Flat Art Book Fair 2019, Turin, Italy. Translations; Erden Kosova, Zeynep Beler, Toprak Coşkun Deniz and Asena Doğan.
MÜMKÜN, Exhibition Book 2015, published by Karl Gallery. MÜMKÜN, Exhibition Book 2015, published by Karl Gallery. Metin / Text: Anthony Miler, Röportaj / Interview: İlke Cihan Biner, Çeviri / Translation: Asena Doğan & Şahika, Grafik Tasarım / Graphic Design: Pompaa, Matbaa / Printing House: Mapa Ofset, 15 Ocak - 07 Şubat 2015.