SERVICE #3, 2023
Video: Gülbin Eris, Chefs: Smelt&Co, Host: THE PILL.
Accompanied by a fragile dessert, in Service, I've invited dear friends to a smaller-scale meeting to share our experiences, our struggles, our ways out or the things which what we could never get out of, our loved ones, our hopes, our strength, our ghosts, and our disappointments. Thanks for everything.
SERVICE #2, 2023
Video: Ugur Taner, Chefs: Berfin Erdogan & Yagmur Uyanik, Host: Türkan Özilhan Tacir.
Huo Rf SERVICE, Ceramic Plates; Huo Rf, Host; Simbart, Chef; Deniz Asik, Photos: Elif Kahveci, Video: Melih Bakir, 2020.
1. (noun) the occupation or function of serving inactive
2. (noun) employment as a servant, the act of serving
3. (noun) the work performed by one that serves.
4. (noun) help, use, benefit, contribution to the welfare of others
5. (noun) disposal for use
6. (noun) a helpful act
7. (noun) a form followed in worship or a religious ceremony
8. (noun) one of a nation's military forces
9. (noun) a facility supplying some public demand
10. (noun) the act of bringing a legal writ, process, or summons to notice as prescribed by law
11. (noun) the act of a male animal copulating with a female animal
12. (noun) a branch of a hospital medical staff devoted to a particular specialty
13. (verb) to perform services for: such as to repair or provide maintenance for; to meet interest and sinking fund payments on service government debt; to perform any of the business functions auxiliary to production or distribution of
Source: Merriam-Webster
“This place is made to order for you. The service is good, and there's plenty of cold running ghosts.”
J.D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey
We collect our feelings. But will they wait for us, settling somewhere, to remember them someday?
After showing Homotopia Series with the exhibition called Stories in Reverse curated by Nicole O’Rourke in Pi Artworks, Huo Rf produced sticker versions of the series with Create Your Own Homotopia.
Now Homotopia brings ceramic, such as another layer of aesthetic, into Huo Rf's practice. The series overtake with this new material shows both the artist is still alive and how he stands behind his work through ceramic plates. Besides, the fictional experimental presentation by Huo Rf, which hosts a closed group* to share his last works, brings the artist's context absolutely into the view: To be within this age without being dependent on any condition, creative and independent.
As I've mentioned about feelings, yes, all of them, one by one, in a very unexpected moment -or just in the right moment- they wait for us to remember them, and sometimes an artwork wakes an indefinable feeling hidden in the most secret drawer suddenly.
* With Service, Homotopia became patterns and pictures on dessert plates with the courtesy of the profiles the artist follows on social media; The meeting between Huo Rf and art professionals who nourish his practice and contribute to the sustainability of his production was instrumental in sharing and togetherness.
Merve Akar Akgün
Huo Rf SERVICE, Ceramic Plates; Huo Rf, Host; Simbart, Chef; Deniz Asik, Photos: Elif Kahveci, Video: Melih Bakir, 2020.